
An oily business

So, like many over the last year, I found myself with time on my hands and no place to go. While trying to teach myself oil painting seemed like a bit of cliché, having never really held a brush, and certainly never having mixed paint, I felt it could be both challenge and something that may, over time, benefit the day job. It’s all about the art of seeing, after all.

So, many oil messes later, I feel happy to share some of the fruits of my spoils. Gaze, gasp or grimace—it’s been a steep learning curve, with some unhappy disasters offset by some truly happy mistakes. All part of the process of course, and one I can thoroughly recommend.

(And yes I know the first three are watercolours but I like them, and one Oil is a pure exercise in colour mixing & brush stroke, based upon a famous painting—artist, title anyone?!)

Dominic LK